Page 17 - Issue12
P. 17
It should mean something! How has going to finish our newest EP, which You mentioned the trilogy. I think I
your song writing changed over the will complete a trilogy of Eps we’ve read that those were done under your
years? been working on. We will also be ord label: Cardboard Empire. How
I don’t know if it’s changed a whole doing a fun covers thing that we’ve is that coming along?
lot per se. When we all get in a room wanted to do, because we’ve never It’s good. We created a little label for
together, we’re better at articulating done it before; just songs that we like ourselves to release music when we
what we want to sound like. Before as a band. Then we will be working wanted to, which is fun, we don’t have
it would get frustrating because you on a new full-length. We have a lot of to argue with anybody about album
have this whole idea in your head and studio time booked in our gaps from covers, and stuff like that. We don’t
you are trying to show your friends being on the road as well. It’s pretty have to argue about anything because
and bandmates what you are hearing, busy up until about mid-May. We will we get to make all the choices and call
but you can’t quite do it sometimes, be working every day of the week. the shots. It’s just a fun little thing that
because they can’t hear the nuances we do. It was built for our enjoyment.
in your head. We’ve definitely gotten We don’t take it too seriously.
better at articulating that. Most
importantly, I feel the biggest step Do you have any bands under label, or
a band can take is being able to be is it just you?
patient with one another and not We released one album for a band
squash an idea before it has a chance in the UK called Failsafe that we
to be really heard. I think that’s one absolutely love. We do that out of
of the things that bands need to friendship. We aren’t looking to
communicate better with: let your actively sign bands. It’s hard enough
friends and your bandmates live to give ourselves all the attention
out their part a little bit so you can that we personally need, as far as
figure out your space within that writing and recording, and doing
part. If you all decide that you don’t that whole thing. It would be very
really care for it, or it’s not vibing, or hard for us to devote the time that
something needs changed, that’s the an artist would need from us. We
appropriate time. To tell somebody Wow! In May will you take a vacation? know how it is, as an artist. We want
that you don’t really like something May will be our time to take it little bit everyone to focus on us 100%. We
one second after hearing him play it of break before the summer touring would feel bad if we couldn’t do that
for the first time is an idea killer. You schedule starts. Summer through Fall for a band that we signed. 
don’t want to kill each other’s ideas. is usually pretty brutal for a band. You
The whole idea is to help each other are on the road nonstop then as well.
out to foster creativity. I think that’s We have to create these little pockets
what we’ve learned and that’s what of time for us to not go crazy, all
we’ve become very good at. while writing music at the same time.
We wouldn’t want it any other way!
What’s up next for Hawthorne Heights? We’ve been a band for 10 years. We
A new album coming out soon? enjoy playing for fans. We enjoy the
We talked about touring, and that’s writing songs for our fans. We enjoy
nonstop from now until May. We’re the entire process.
working on a couple things. We’re
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